Cyclone (Incl. Skills Book)
Cyclone (Incl. Skills Book)
Notice: Out of Print
Cyclone provides everything you need for Junior Cycle Geography.
Written by experienced teachers with extensive knowledge of the Junior Cycle Framework, this package provides the perfect blend of clear content, trusted methods and innovation.
Expertly fosters geoliteracy through clearly written, integrated and linked topics
A full range of Key Skills activities promotes active learning
Important geographical skills such as mapwork and data management are taught explicitly and are reinforced throughout the textbook
Short experiments and clear, everyday examples encourage students to interact with the world around them
Lively Fun Facts reveal fascinating details of our world, while Not-So-Fun Facts highlight important truths, notably on sustainability
Geography in the News and My Geography Moments introduce students to important new Classroom-Based Assessments (CBAs)
End of Chapter Assessments, with graded Must-Should-Could success criteria, provide differentiation, promote reflection and help students to prepare for CBAs
Suggested Additional Resources on each topic encourage and guide further research