Why Ando?

Over 30 years experience, and our customers come back year after year for our great customer service

We make it simple, just send us your bookslists or order order online

Easy Delivery, we deliver on a date that suits your school with books packed by class or by student

Discounts, we automatically apply discounts between 2% and 20% to every item

Replacement books, throughout the year as needed

Order now with free cancellation before July 1st

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  • Maria White, Principal

    "We have been working with Opening Minds for the past number of years and we are extremely happy with the efficiency of service, flexibility and solution focused approach we have experienced. While Opening Minds stocks a vast array of books and resources, we have found the staff to be incredibly helpful in sourcing specific items that we have looked for as a Junior school, for example the high-quality mini whiteboards sourced for us this year. Parents in our school are delighted to have the option of buying books in the school (in school sale of books organised by Opening Minds) or online, and the Opening Minds company has developed practical, easy to manage systems for customers."

  • St Marys National School, Woodside

    Opening Minds have been supplying our textbook requirements for the past 10 years.    

    Their large selection of books ensure that there is rarely a delay in supply and the books arrive promptly and in pristine condition.  Even books outside their normal stock are sourced and delivered without delay by an efficient and professional Customer care team.

    We have no doubt that our relationship with Opening Minds will continue well into the future.

  • Dunboyne Junior Primary School

    Our school has used Opening Minds for the past 6 - 7 years  and  have found them very helpful. If they don't have the product we  require they will source it for us which is very helpful.  Their customer service and delivery  is excellent.  Nothing is a problem that they cannot fix.  


    Also the  support they offer to our parents when completing online orders, book covering  and delivery   is excellent.   We are very satisfied with this company and look forward to dealing  with them in the future.

  • Mount Anville Primary School

    "We have been working with Opening Minds for the past number of years and we are extremely happy with their efficient, flexible and prompt service.  With the help of Opening Minds we have been able to offer the parents the option of ordering and receiving  books through the school. They have been very accommodating and helpful in providing this service to our school.  We highly recommend Opening Minds excellent online service"

  • St Josephs CBS, Sungate, Drogheda

    We have Opening Minds as our main supplier of school books for a very long time now. As our school has gone from being a Senior Boys School to a co-ed, fully verticle school our needs have changed dramatically. We buy all the books for all the children and that takes a lot of organisation and co-ordination. Opening Minds have made this transition over the years effortless for us. The service and efficiency is second to none. Nothing is ever a problem.


Ando.ie is built specially for schools and is operated by Opening Minds and Buybooks.ie.

We're set up for school orders large and small with special requirements, and offer significant discounts as standard for all school orders.

We've been supplying schoolbooks since 1986 and are a family owned business based in Meath, Louth and Dublin.

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